
6 Types of Facebook Ads to Grow Your Business

With Facebook’s audience being large and diverse, advertising on Facebook is no longer simply an option but is a necessity for most businesses.

Facebook ads are one of the most popular advertising platforms. However, as a business owner, you should understand that there are different types of Facebook ads, so it’s important not to get complacent by leveraging only one type of ad on Facebook.

It is important to test different types of Facebook ads to determine which are most effective in helping you grow your business. In this article, we’ll talk about the 6 different types of Facebook ads you can use to grow your business.

  1. Lead Generation Ads: Lead Generation Ads make the process of obtaining leads, collecting email addresses and building email lists extremely easy. Through these Facebook ads, your prospective customers can sign up / respond, as quickly and easily as it takes to like or share a post. What makes it so easy is that Facebook automatically populates most of the fields in these ads, thereby making it very easy for the customer, who is then more likely to complete the few remaining pieces of information. Your prospects can respond to an ad either on their mobile phone or on their PC. Through lead generation ads, you can obtain a lead’s contact information, after which you can target them with personalized email campaigns, phone follow-up, or other relevant content. Typically businesses that are B2B (businesses that work with other businesses), or have high-value clients can benefit from Lead Generation Ads.
  2. Video Ads: Rather than viewing ads consisting of plain text, most customers, and prospective customers would prefer to watch a video ad. Research shows that 80% of consumers and 59% of executives would rather watch a video ad. Video ads are great for building brand awareness and tend to increase response rates over time since they can better convey your message. You can target new prospects at an early stage of the marketing cycle, without having to convert them immediately. After they watch the video, you can retarget them with an offer ad or a lead generation ad.
  3. Promotional Offer Ads: Promotional ads are often underused. With customers who are between the consideration and purchase stages, these ads can often lead to conversions. This is especially the case with undecided or price sensitive buyers. These type of ads are also useful to help promote awareness and the sale of new products. You can promote all kinds of offers, from weekly or monthly specials; free shipping; free trial; buy one, get one free; to a surprise gift with your product. Using Facebook ads, you can customize your offer by adding end dates and times, adding terms and conditions, and adding individualized or group promo codes.
  4. Dynamic Product Ads: These ads are Facebook’s newest addition to their advertising platform. This type of ad connects your product catalog with your Facebook ad account. When someone visits your site and then logs onto Facebook, they will see ads for the same products that they were looking at on your website. This makes the ad extremely personalized and relevant. These ads can result in great results and a very high Return-on-Investment (ROI).
  5. Abandoned Cart Ads: Almost 69% of shoppers abandon their carts while shopping online. This means that for every 10 shoppers who visit your store, 7 will leave without purchasing anything. Abandoned cart ads can help you bring back these elusive shoppers to your online store. While you can also do this through emails, typically very few shoppers will give you their email address. This is what makes these ads so valuable. You can run abandoned cart ads that will retarget these individuals in a highly personalized way. You can even run a fun video ad for potential customers who have abandoned their carts for best results.
  6. Carousel Ads: These are ads that let brands show multiple images and ultimately link to some action. These ads drive 10 times more traffic to advertisers’ websites, according to data compiled by Kinetic Social, a social marketing tech firm. Carousel ads are useful at all stages of the digital sales funnel. They have significantly higher Click-Through-Rates (CTR) and much lower Cost-Per-Actions (CPAs) than other ad formats. Carousel ads can focus on showing audiences different products of features that make your services and products unique.

While there are a few more Facebook ads that you can run, these are some of the top Facebook ad types. It’s important to test and leverage a variety Facebook ad types to optimize the marketing and sales results for your business.

If you need some help achieving outstanding advertising, marketing and sales results for your business, consider working with IntellaSphere’s Full Service Marketing Experts.

IntellaSphere offers digital services marketing and works with businesses of all sizes to help them achieve their marketing and sales objectives – affordably. This includes coming up with the right Facebook ad strategy for your business. So, the next time you’re in a bit of a quandary about what kind of Facebook ad to write and post, get in touch with IntellaSphere and let us help you grow your business.

For more information on how you can effectively create and leverage a Facebook ad strategy, contact IntellaSphere at 425-283-9772 or at contact@intellasphere.com or through our website www.IntellaSphere.com.

by Bruce Worrall, Jan-1-2018

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