
7 Ways of Increasing Profits by Optimizing the Customer Experience

Today, if you’re a business dealing in anything, anywhere, the experience you provide your customers is not just one of the important things you do, it’s probably the most important thing.

Customer experience that draws and keeps visitors to your website, engages them on your social media platforms, or then, drives them to access your content on their mobiles. And it’s also customer experience that increases profits and impacts your bottom line.

In this article we’ll talk about how you, as a business owner can increase profits by optimizing the customer experience. This involves a multi-channel, customer-centric approach. So, here are some ways that you can do this…

1) Keep customer data completely private: Your customers should be able to trust you with their data. Most businesses state that they optimize the customer experience by ensuring complete visitor privacy.

2) Give customers a consistent message: It is vital that you provide customers with a seamless customer experience both online and offline. This means that you create a unified experience for customers at every stage of their interaction with your business. Whether they are online on your website, or then, receiving a phone or email message, you should not only provide them with a consistent message, but also provide them with the best experience possible.

3) Provide customers with a highly personalized experience: Today you can store all sorts of customer data to ensure that you provide your customers with an individualized experience. You can use this data to provide buying recommendations or then create highly targeted marketing campaigns. However, you should use this data appropriately and securely.

4) Enhance website performance: Your customers expect your business to have a website. You should maintain site performance to ensure the best possible experience for visitors to your website. You can do this by scheduling regular optimization tests for loading time and responsiveness.

5) Ensure that your business website is responsive: Today, everything is moving towards mobile. You cannot ignore this platform when building your website. Today, not just millennials but everybody is using mobile to get information about products and services, or then, buying online. So, make your website responsive and you will reap the benefits.

6) Focus on your social media channels: Customers like to make contact via social media because it is transparent, easy and immediate. If you’re not posting content on social media platforms you’re losing out to businesses that are doing so. For example, if customers are posting comments on your Facebook page, you need to respond promptly to those comments. Using social media channels optimally can enhance customer experience and lead to increased profits.

7) Know your customer: You need to create a customer profile(s), so that your campaigns are targeted and effective. Once you truly know and understand your customers, you can provide a much more personalized service that increases retention and loyalty. If you’re a small or medium-sized business, we can help you. For more information go to https://managed.intellasphere.com/.
For more information on how you can provide a great customer experience, go to https://managed.intellasphere.com/ or contact us at support@intellasphere.com.

by Bruce Worrall, Aug-11-2016

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