
Can I promote past social posts?

Yes! You can promote any current or past social posts quickly from the Posts Lab.

Find the ‘Amplify‘ option beneath each social post that’s capable of being promoted.

Navigate to the Published tab in the Posts Lab, and you’ll find an “Amplify” option beneath your posts which you can ask your brand promoters to amplify. See how to get brand promoters

Your Brand Promoters will be notified with a Promoter Alert within an hour from sending the amplification, which will consolidate everything you promote in the one-hour window. If you amplify a post, you’ll notice the option to “Undo Amplify,” so you can cancel the process in case you change your mind about including it in a Promoter Alert.

Once your brand promoters receive your amplification, they can engage with and/or share your post to their own social channels, directly from the Promoter Alert email. Learn more about Promoter Alerts

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