
What happens after I socially amplify?

Each time you choose to ‘amplify’ something that you posted on social media, your brand promoters will receive a Promoter Alert by email within one hour after you’ve hit the ‘amplify’ button.

Whichever social channel your post was amplified from is the same channel where your brand promoters will have the option to react, or interact, with the promoted post.

Promoters will always have the option to react or interact on any of the social channels you distributed to, as long as they also have an account there. On your end, this should naturally boost engagement on your most important posts!

The amplification functionality is powerful and can help you extend your digital reach among your the communities of your promoters and more. Just remember, only ‘amplify’ posts that are worth the extra notifications that your promoters will receive in their inboxes (you don’t want them to unsubscribe!), and be sure to plan your amplifications ahead of time.

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